well, thanks again. it's all so stupid. anyway. yeah. so what's up with you? flowers? really? what is it? oh my god! you're kidding? i read that! i loved that book! oh, charlie, orchids are the most amazing flowers. so complex. you should take this job. doesn't it sound exciting, to immerse yourself in a real subject and learn everything about it? blake wrote about seeing heaven in a wild flower. and after you learn all this stuff, you can teach me! god, they're such beautiful flowers. and so sexy. y'know? did you know that orchid means -- testicle! can you believe it! to a fucking awesome assignment, man. absolutely. i think david, this guy i'm seeing, would enjoy it, too. he's a real naturalist. okay if he comes along? he wants to meet you anyway. all i do is tell him how great you are. you'll like him. he's so honest and smart. it's rare to find someone in this town who thinks about things other than this fucking business, y'know? like the other day we were in bed discussing hegel. hegel! in bed! it was fucking amazing. have you read much? well, anyway, david and i were discussing his philosophy of history and i was. that nature doesn't exist historically, but rather cyclically.