say it, gordon. make me believe it. we've got to find tully. where the hell is tully? they head out. what are you doing? have you gone mad? you're doing this on purpose. the mediterranean, the riviera - once we find the money, we'll go everywhere. we'll try again, right after lunch. gordon - where should we go first? acapulco? cancun? ariba! ariba! after lunch, we'll try again. we'll find the money. and meanwhile, we have this little nest. quiet and cozy. without that dreadful family. just the two of us, away from the world. our dream come true. i know why you've been so glum. it's because it's taking us a little longer than we'd hoped to find the gold. isn't that right? fester turns away, depressed. of course it is. well, don't you worry - we're right on the verge. tomorrow, for certain, my darling. you know, some people might think it's strange, for a mother and son to be so close. i think it's beautiful. don't you, gordon? fester mumbles something, under his breath. what? look - i'm weeping. abigail exits. the minute the door shuts, fester gets out of bed. he is fully clothed. he goes to the window, and begins to climb out. i don't think so. the vault, mrs. addams - any thoughts? gordon - let's get started. stop stalling! tully, take over! tighten it! do it! again! tully tightens the rack again. more bone-popping noises. morticia moans again, even more orgasmically. tighter! tully tightens the rack a third time. bone-popping noises. morticia moans, very voluptuously. she opens her eyes. she sighs, in afterglow. she glances at tully. gordon? gordon, i have a thought. just a notion, top of my head. tell me what you think. since you and mrs. addams are so very close. abigail takes a red-hot poker out of the fire and hands it to fester. be my guest. addams! thing tosses gomez a saber off the study wall. tully also grabs a saber, and approaches gomez from behind. let him up! gomez turns to see. that's right! now get moving - addams, take him to the vault. and if you're not back in one hour. i displace her. gomez is near enough now to take morticia's hand, on the torture wheel. knock it off! the vault, addams - right now! can it, gordon! stop dragging your feet! you disgust me - you're nothing but a useless, snivelling baby! a stone around my neck! what was i thinking - i should've left you where i found you! at abigail's final words, fester suddenly leaps forward. keep the book closed, gordon - listen to mother! i had to be strict with you - because i cared! put it down! stop whining, you little good- for-nothing! be a man!