oh, yes, yes. completely. gomez. the sun. il me perce comme un poignard. oui. gomez? last night, you were. unhinged. you were like some desperate, howling demon. you frightened me. do it again. gomez, instantly aflame. the little ones, off to school. bless them. too fast. oh gomez, don't torture yourself. that's my job. imagine, darling, if fester did come back. half-alive, barely human, a rotting shell. tully is here, darling. look - our little boy. so sweet. he looks just. like a little entree. pugsley wakes up; he looks around. it's over, darling - have you seen your sister? gomez? her favorite. oh, mama, i was sure we'd find her here. fester adores gomez! just as long as we're together, n'est pas, mon cher? as she turns to gomez, we see the interior of the bungalow -- all ersatz cowboy and indian mixed with chrome-plated plastic and orange shag carpet. that's the soap, dear. we are addamses, and we will not submit. who recalls the fable of the tortoise and the hare? the swift, yet lazy little cottontail, and his slow but determined companion? what does that story teach us, as addamses? yes! we will survive! poison us, strangle us, break our bones - we will come back for more. and why? private tutors. spells and hexes. well, one day each week i visit death row at our local prison, with my children. autographs. he's. he's going through a bad patch at the moment. but it's not his fault. not anymore. the personnel officer shoots morticia a doubtful glance, and begins rifling through her card file. and so the witch lured hansel and gretel into the candy house, by promising them more sweets. and she told them to look in the oven, and she was about to push them in, when, low and behold, hansel pushed the poor, defenseless witch into the oven instead. where she was burned alive, writhing in agony. now, boys and girls, what do you think that feels like? after a beat, all the toddlers begin to cry and wail. i know - gomez, let's go for a drive. the whole family. i don't know, darling. i wish i did. it's hard to say. sometimes people have had terrible childhoods. and sometimes they just haven't found their special place in life. and sometimes they're dogs from hell and must be destroyed. morticia kisses wednesday and she closes her eyes to go to sleep. stop it, you two. morticia breaks free of thing. i would like to speak with fester. tully steps aside. you are a desperate woman, consumed by greed and infinite bitterness. we could have been such friends. despite everything, i don't hate you. i pity you. persecution, fiendish torture, inhuman depravity - sometimes it's just not enough. you've done this before. tully alford - charlatan. deadbeat. parasite. how gomez adored you. dear fester - or whomever you are. which is the real you - the loathsome, under-handed monster you've become? or the loathsome, underhanded monster we came to love? fester - i saw you tonight, at my window. i know it was you. mon cher! darling, take care! as does mine. our wheel. a day alone - only that would be death. gomez kisses morticia's hand. quickly, my darling! he helps her down from the wheel. later, my dearest. angle on fester, facing off with abigail, as tully cowers. but what of fester? look at you. oh yes - in the den. hello, margaret. cousin it - i almost didn't recognize you. that unfortunate woman. filled with evil. but not enough. how true. stranger things have happened. and just as refreshing. of course - "wake the dead." and just as refreshing. gomez offers his hand. fester takes it, in a manly handshake. we'll catch up. fester runs out. our family. what are they? gomez? morticia holds up the garment she's been knitting - it's a baby jumper with three legs. oui, mon cher. they embrace, as the front door swings open, of its own accord.