where. where's the party? not since before the mamushka. comes from the bathroom, nibbling a wrapped bar of motel soap. this place isn't so bad. they even put candy in the bathroom. oh. he takes another greedy bite. wednesday pats her father's arm. during rush hour. because we're addamses! gomez tries to rouse himself. here, lurch. on the house. yes. i don't understand. all he does is watch tv and eat. here we come! how do you like it? fester is very touched; he picks pugsley up. she wasn't your mother. she just said that. please, uncle fester? for the picture? fester pops a light bulb into his mouth. it lights. pugsley giggles. gomez stands up, having finished the pumpkin. he places it on a table, and lights the candle inside. the pumpkin glows. it has one eye in the middle of its forehead. everyone oohs and ahhs. uncle fester, will you be on my team?