operator! i wanna place a person-to-person call to john bigboote, yoyodyne propulsions systems. grover's mill, new jersey. tell him it's john whorfin calling. that's w-h-o-r-f-i-n. got it, honey? john! j-o-h- n! of course it's me, john bigboote, you fool! prepare for my return! the time has come. haven't you heard? don't you watch tv? banzai and hikita have done it! i'll meet you at the factory. get that overthruster! and the little jap! alive! banzai's too dangerous. where are we going? tell me! when? curse you, banzai! don't you realize what you're saying? your planet's about to be destroyed, and you're wasting time like this. whorfin? how do you know that's my real name?