you're kidding. where is he? still in the hospital? banzai hasn't showed yet, mr. secretary. looks like he's got cold feet. i've got a budget meeting on the hill, john. what's this thing supposed to do anyway? senator, you are so fulla shit. too bad war ain't indianapolis. it's fast, i'll give banzai that. it'll never work. it's too simple. so what? big deal. anybody can drive fast in a straight line. either that or he's popped his cookies. looks like banzai's finally gonna get more than he bargained for. and take the friends of the earth with him. what the devil? what is going on?! this his frequency? nobody's home. creatures? buckaroo, catburd here. i got egg all over my face, but that's okay. no room for egos here. we're all americans and i wanna buy that thing of yours. what's it gonna run me? i wasn't talking to you, hikita san. we go to code red, the russians go to code red. no sense jumping off half-cocked, mr. president. the man went through solid matter, for crying out loud. who knows what it did to his brain. maybe scrambled his molecules. all i'm saying is, let's not panic here! i'm sure there's a rational explanation. mr. president, none of us here are lunatics or irrational men. . or persons. i'm a soldier and i'm a damn good one, enough decorations to snap a christmas tree, but i don't mind telling you, i'm sure i speak for everyone in this room when i say i am scared. i'm barely holding my fudge right now. hail mary. i guess we have to prick this boil and take the heat, sir. hit 'em primero. blast 'em off the face of the earth before they lose their heads and do it to us first. what're you waiting for, boy? get in here with that thing. here you go, mr. president. the sealed authenticators. the plan d documents for your eyes only. john-hancock these, and we got ourselves a knockout little force posture.