after a bloody reign of terror, the hated leader of our military caste, the self-proclaimed "lord" whorfin, a bloodthirsty butcher as evil as your hitler was overthrown by freedom-loving forces, tried, and condemned, along with several hundred of his followers, to spend eternity in the formless void of the eighth dimension. death was deemed too good for their ilk. were it not for the experiments of your father and professor hikita and the real doctor lizardo, then john whorfin would still be locked safely away on another plane of existence. and now, you, buckaroo banzai, have unintentionally helped john whorfin further with your oscillation overthruster! for our intelligence warns us that john whorfin is about to make good his escape from earth back through the eighth dimension. and on to planet 10! if he should attempt this we will have no choice but to disrupt worldwide electronic communications and fire a particle beam weapon from your airspace to smolensk, in the union of the soviet socialist republics. exactly, perfect tommy. the soviets will retaliate. your president widmark will launch a massive counterforce strike. and within twenty minutes the danger to planet 10 will be removed. but. because we're good guys, we're giving you a chance to save your planet. stop john whorfin before sunrise! if you fail we will be forced to help you destroy yourselves. end of discussion.