here. here at the back. i'm sorry. this is so embarrassing. penny. i'd rather not reveal my last name or my age. my name is penny. penny priddy. there i've said it, but it won't mean anything to you. i'm a nobody. did i say anything was wrong? i just sponged up a little too much vat 69, okay? i'm down to my last nickel in this lousy town, i can't get my luggage outta hock 'cause i met this jerk who said he was a record producer when all he had was a record. he offered to set me up for life, and like a fool, well, i. do i look like that kinda girl? i lost my room this morning. i don't know where i'm gonna sleep tonight, but i keep going. what the hell else can i do? i've still got my figure, and like this bozo said, as long as there's a sidewalk, i'll always have a job. my name's, penny! but who cares? let me go, let me go, you creeps. what're you doing here? why're you looking at me like that? go away. let me rot? you. like the papers all say. was she pretty? the girl i remind you of. it's kinda hard this way. the netherlands. whew, that's a long way from wyoming. no. laramie. except i was born in cody. how did you know that? oh, right, sure, i forgot: you know everything. which? the one in my throat. i don't know. i always felt like i did, like there was another me. somewhere. see i was taken away by the priddies when i was a baby. i was adopted. what? i don't understand you. i don't understand anything anymore. hey, better there than here, huh? buckaroo, don't forget your thruster. any time. i don't guess they matter. it's like cheesecloth, i think. minkowiski space. is this the kind of society you want? a society of weak-kneed jellyfish wallowing in self-pity, prey to ruthless hoodlums who pick us off like flies? how long you been riding with buckaroo, reno? what'd you do before? can i ask? where's buckaroo? is he alive? what's his problem? better than him. what happened to her? any what? what's up those stairs? i'll shoot yours off if i had a gun, you double-dealing casanova! i thought you liked me for myself. but why should you, huh? a jerk like me. married--? so that's it! buckaroo banzai, a married man. where is she? with the kids some place? she must've been a bigger fool than me if she ran out on a guy like you. oh, my. looks like you're the one might go to pieces. how did she die? i wanna know. yes, i do. gimme a chance. i'm stronger than you think. hanoi shan--? the guy in your comic books. boss of the world crime league? supreme commander of the legion of death? the pivot of mystery himself? you're putting me on. he's a cartoon character. god, she's so young and beautiful. i don't remember her at all. which i guess is good, under the circumstances. i bet you'll never forget her though. i gotta be honest with myself and not repress these feelings-i've got mixed emotions-i don't know if i can handle this. oh, boy. go where? where're you going? what? if we just believe in buckaroo banzai? believe in penny priddy? you've got your six guns strapped on. you're ridding off on another adventure? oh, my god, it's all real. it really is real. i should go with you. please. that's just what you would say. this is so unreal. i'm dreaming. sure. i won't hold my breath. whadda you want? buckaroo! rawhide! reno? anybody? i'm not worth it, buckaroo! forget me! who are you? hanoi shan? the scourge of burma! the pivot of mystery? well, you're not destroying me like you did my sister! buckaroo. you look awful.