better see what's keepin' the boss, reno. 'cause i'm busy. and get your clodhoppers off the univac. whadda you need buckaroo for? unscheduled surgery. he'll be waltzing along momentarily. what're you doing tonight? that's why i wear a fifty dollar hat. was a two hundred dollar hat, i hadda kill you. bet i do. she's just a damn road hugger, allison. plus the man can drive. she's not for sale, right, general? coming right up, buckaroo. who put this dirty picture in buckaroo's viewer? super performance organic material. buckaroo, you got a minute--? she wants a picture. i look great. let's rock 'n' roll. pick those up, reno. it's a spittin' image. pictures don't lie. it's peggy to these eyes. same nose, same hair. plus buckaroo thinks so too or else he wouldn't be ready to go make a fool of himself, right? doctor lizardo. wasn't he on tv once? hey, so was mr. wizard. why? what's going on? anything i oughta know? c'mon, rawhide, spill it. hey, any lock can be picked. so what's he up to? wasn't me. i'd take a hundred, right? where do you hail from, doc? reno, how's about you take new jersey's gear, mosey on over to the bus and introduce him to the rest of the hands. cause buckaroo needs me here. running a little late, buckaroo. let her out? she's a killer. any sign of buckaroo? twelve minutes since the last signal. long time. done. you got her. buckaroo's orders: access their data bank. attack their systems. up to it? "space monsters". my ass. yeah, but most of 'em blasted in through the eighth dimension in 1938 at grover's mills, new jersey. lizardo caused it all. because he was already here on earth, screwing around with his own stupid overthruster. it wouldn't tell us the whole story until you got here. it wasn't to talk to the head honcho. an action the kremlin will most certainly misinterpret as an american first strike! his guns? holy shit. buckaroo--! sorry-- sam's dead! someone broke into the jet car! and things are going haywire over at the lab. where's the professor? that mean you're on our side? buckaroo, john parker has the arachtoid cloud on line 2! it's whorfin, buckaroo. line 3. asshole probably got lost. light precipitation. partly cloudy tomorrow. not on this bus, you're not. perfect tommy. go ahead, louie, do like the man says. hey, so we get into action quicker this way. we tell buckaroo our watches were fast. under where? hold on. hope you know where you're going, john parker. because my nose is starting to whistle. thanks. then i won't. new jersey brought her back to the bus through heavy fire. quite a guy if you want my opinion. hey, scooter lindley, fall in!