that's okay, bonnie, i won't be operating any heavy machinery today. as are all sane men today. world watch one. direct incoming transmission. that which does not kill us makes us stronger, buckaroo. what's it like out there in the real world? you're gonna have to repeat that, i think, buckaroo. buckaroo. you and i, we go back a long, long way together. but. explosive? what are you saying, man? some kind of race war in new jersey--? a what? you're quite serious about this, aren't you, buckaroo. we know each other pretty well, i think. who the hell's penny priddy? good god. get me sac hq: omaha, norad, and the strategic space command. i want some hard data on that cloud. we got any killer satellites over jersey- -? buckaroo, come in. over. how does this damn thing work? can anybody figure this lighter out? what's happening with my call to sac? jammed--? by who? whom by? should we be on code red? we've got no choice then. call my wife. i'm glad someone has the balls to face facts! forget we're the good guys and we'd never attack first. they think we're godless monsters just like them. put yourself in their samovars. sitting in the dark without radar, bells ringing all over the damn kremlin, little men in fedora hats getting out of zils, coming into the great hall of the people. now, do you think they're gonna listen to reason? i'll give buckaroo his planet 10 space cloud, but do you think they will? so what's our counter option, general catburd? earn your salary. larry, where's my football? well. that's certainly food for thought. "name of the enemy"? what, planet 10? my hand's shaking. how on earth can i even. have to stay awake, alert. that's my job. that's what the people put me here for.