i'll ask him. buckaroo, i need an estimate. they're getting antsy over at mission control. the chief needs ten more minutes. i got the chopper waiting. don't start without us. we help. dr. banzai's using a laser to fuse artificial nerve fiber to the original, bypassing massive stroke damage. a subcutaneous microphone's gonna allow the patient to transmit verbal instructions to his own brain. or "throw the harpoon," depending on cultural differences. people are gonna come from all over. this guy's an eskimo. five. four. three. two. one. got a half a tuna sandwich. no question about it. something very akin to arachnoid tissue. if i hadda guess? a mutated species. hot off the world watch wire, buckaroo. thought you'd wanna be notified. that old pal of the professor's, dr. emilio lizardo? the one you did the brain scan on--? he killed a guard last night, broke outta the trenton home for the criminally insane, stole a masarati, totaled it a block away. vanished. thin air. dr. lizardo's a raving lunatic, perfect tommy, a vicious psychopath with crazy eyes and flaming orange hair that once upon a time was mousy brown like yours. first thing i did. the professor and dr. emilio lizardo were actually the first to discover the eighth dimension. almost fifty years ago. before buckaroo's parents even knew each other. but there was trouble, a rocket catapult failed and dr. lizardo got sucked half in, half out. when they hauled him back ,he wasn't the same guy. his hair was orange. he went on a senseless crime spree, killed a cop during a bank robbery, got caught and judged insane. the professor told us they threw away the key. and another thing. somebody took five bucks outta petty cash without signing. maybe it's just a prankster. some computer whiz kid. and try the president's private number at the hospital. make sure this is on the level. we're busy people here. shit! over, buckaroo. what's up? where in hades are you? i'm getting a lotta static. buckaroo, somebody shanghaied the professor! what crate? yoyodyne propulsion systems? you think they're mixed up in this? all right. let's go! we got our work cut out for us tonight! you, too, miss penny. too long. we better get somebody over there. put up the grid, last known location-- hop on the marconi, see if we got any blue shields within a ten-minute radius. nah-damn sophisticated equipment always breaking down. any word from buckaroo? wish life was so simple, billy. remember that outfit the justice department checked into last year-yoyodyne propulsion systems? try a new cipher. try g. grover's mills, grovers' mills. 1938. why's that so darn familiar? it's all on the record. come on- faulty design. it sucked. look out, buckaroo! behind you! yeah. just grazed me. the professor's under the floor too. with the overthruster. you're a welcome sight. apache? so i was right. that's nice to know. we gotta stop 'em, buckaroo. sure do pack a mean wallop. let's go.