wade! come in! have a cup of coffee. been putting my files into it. you take sugar and milk? are you alright, wade? well, you look. sad. upset. i don't mean to pry. i'm sorry about your mother. it was a nice funeral. always has been. who? who? sometimes things are simpler than you think. let me ask you a question. about jack? no. have you checked out the tax bill on your father's farm lately? has anybody offered to buy it? this is all the real estate transactions in this town the last year. most of it unused land. most of it for little more than the back taxes owed. this is from three years ago. some difference, huh? i went down to concord to check it out. the president is mel gordon. the vice-president and treasurer is gordon lariviere. those boys are buying up the mountain, wade. $364,000 this year. i believe that's out of lariviere's league. no. all the figures show is that gordon lariviere is going to be a very rich man using his position as selectman. in a year or two, you won't recognize this town.