i know. lariviere's having a hell of a time in there. master of fucking ceremonies. no brag. just fact. see you got jill tonight. how'd you manage that? relax, chief. we're leaving. you wanna toke? some job. here, have a hit. don't be such a hardass. i know you got problems, but everybody's got problems. well, c'mon, then. get in and we'll take a little ride, my man. got a job first thing in the morning, first day of season. saturday i'll hunt for myself. twombley something. - er -- don't know about lucky. the guy's a full-blown asshole. pay's good, though. $100 a day. i got to guarantee a kill, of course. which i can do. there's some monster bucks hiding out up there. gordon, he's always got some angle working. he wants to keep twombley happy, i'm his boy. like you and gordon? yeah, he'd go broke tomorrow if you quit him. bastard's got his high beams on. audi's a good car. piece of fucking cake. don't worry, mr. twombley, i know where those suckers are. rain or shine, snow or no snow. i know deer. we'll kill us a buck today. guaranteed. before ten. yep. right about now the does are holing up in the brush piles. the bucks are right behind them and we're right behind the bucks. this gun gets fired before ten o'clock. whether it kills a deer or not is more less up to you. i'll put you inside 30, 35 yards of a buck the first four hours of the season. that's what you're paying me for, ain't it? done much shooting with that rifle yet? if you get it? you might not kill it. you might gut-shoot it or cripple it for somebody else to find and tag. can't guarantee that won't happen, especially with a new gun. i may have to shoot it. mmm. i get it. no sweat. you'll get yourself a deer and you'll get him dead. and you'll have him by coffee time. wonderful! safety on? follow close. we'll cross the next meadow. i used to play ball. drafted by the red sox. double a. new britain. pitcher. "best ballplayer to come out of new hampshire since carlton fisk." they said. the only difference between me and that clemens on tv is luck, shit luck. ruined my arm. brought me along too fast. why'd it have to be my fucking arm, i used to think. then i realized it had to be somebody's fucking arm. safety on? this way. deers have ears too. stay here, stand where i am. fresh tracks. deer shit. big one. here's your buck, mr. twombley. i'll circle around. you heard the news. yeah. nope. heard it. we wasn't far apart. i spotted this buck, then i heard the gun go off and twombley was gone. i looked over the little cliff we was using for a stand and there the fucker was, deader'n shit. called it right in. not exactly. i mean, he never paid me. lawyer? i don't need no lawyer, do i? in the chest. a half mile in, along the old lumber road. the ambulance guys lugged him up. yeah. what blood? musta. how'd i know? what're you doing, playing cop? who the fuck knows? musta slipped or something. i just heard the gun go off. well, i didn't actually see him do it. like i said. what? what the fuck you telling me, wade? i never seen the guy get shot, i told you that. let's get the fuck outta here. you're not making any sense, man. yeah. he sure as hell won't. i'm fucking out of here. out of this fucking job. this job sucks. working outside in the winter sucks. open the door, will ya? open the door. we're late. what do you mean i got money? i'm as broke as you. you crazy sonofabitch! you'll sink us both! get off the fucking ice! get off! i'll shoot you, wade, i swear it! i'll fucking shoot you dead if you don't move away from that truck! don't move! i'll shoot you dead if you move! shit! what are we gonna do? you can't buy wade off. that was me.