who's fault is it then if it's not yours? you're the one in charge, daddy. look. those kids are still trick-or- treating. they're still out. i don't care. they're out. why do they do that? you know. yeah. it's stupid. did you do that when you were a kid? was it funny? but it's not funny now. i bet you did lots of bad things. i just think you used to be bad. no. she doesn't talk about you anymore. i don't want to. it's not that. it's stupid. i want to go home. i don't like it here. no. no i didn't see anybody i know. no i don't want to go to school here tomorrow. i want to go home. i don't want to be here. don't worry, i love you, daddy, i do. but i want to go home. i called mommy. yes. i. because i want to go home. she said she'd come and get me. see, i knew you'd be mad. i told her i wanted to come home. daddy, don't be mad at me. yes. yes. yes. that's fine with me too. when mommy comes, tell her i'm up here. dad. mom. i'm taking ice-skating, daddy! hi. are we going in this? it's pretty old. pop? oh. mommy won't let me eat fast food. you know that. it's bad for you. no. nothing. same thing, daddy. mommy says -- okay. so we'll get what you want. what do you want? okay. what are you sorry for? i want to go home. that's illegal, you know. you're a policeman. oh. i want to go home. leave her alone! leave her alone! i want to go home. will you take me home?