we're looking for the funniest costume! and the scariest! and the most imaginative! and the best costume of all! wade! and who's that tiger? is that jill? come and join us. watch this snow. it's coming down tonight. told you the snow was coming down. take the grader. jimmy took it. jack's out hunting with evan twombley. huh? don't go playing policeman. you don't want the extra police pay? get the grader. go out 29 past toby's. don't let lillian get to you. she didn't belong here. that's why she left. that's what i love about a small town. you know everybody. what's the hurry? huh? twombley, jesus. we got to get moving: i got to get up there. how would i know? c'mon, you drive. we'll take my truck. fuck. turn it off. all you heard was there was some kinda accident? fuck. you don't know how bad or anything? yes, wade, i mean twombley. put out that cigarette. fuck. fuck. fuck. i shoulda sent you instead of jack. you ain't the hunter jack is. and he can't drive the grader worth shit. that must've been twombley. jesus. i bet that was twombley. let's get to the top and talk to jack first. he'll know what happened. he fucking better. if this coulda been avoided, i'll put that kid's ass in a sling. i hear twombley got shot. bad? jesus. you see it? this is gonna be one fucking mess to clean up. twombley's son-in-law and daughter are up the weekend. didn't you say you'd seen him, wade? what the fuck. my day's already ruined. give me the keys. you can go back with jack. you still got a shitload of plowing to do. something bugging you? well, right now we're not too interested. finish up what you gotta do, then you can get bugged on your own time. might as well take the rest of the day off. you look sort of fucked up. you've been paid for the day, anyhow, right? you'll get your money. don't talk to any newspapers about this. twombley's a big deal down in massachusetts, you know. tell them your lawyer says you shouldn't comment. no, of course not. just say it, that's all. how you holding up, wade? you rolfe? i remember you from high school. you're a teacher now? harvard? i haven't seen you around. i don't suppose there's much reason for you to come this way. maybe i'll head on over to the church. put out that fucking cigarette! not there, asshole. flush it! you ever think of getting a new car, wade? elaine! call chub meritt and have him pick up wade's car, fix the clutch. use the pickup. i'll bill it to the town. you're the town police officer and the town police officer should have a decent car. you want a new car or not? nothing, wade, i've been thinking. you don't get enough appreciation around here and it's time we changed things a little. so? wade, that wasn't smart. going out right after the man's father-in-law shot himself. let it go. call it a favor to me. mel's doing some business with me. it's nice to do favors for people you do business with. he was in a hurry. no big deal. what's the difference? take my truck, take a rest -- stop worrying about mel gordon. have you decided what to do with your old man's place -- he going to stay there? don't light that in here. i'm allergic. maybe. could be. out! out! he's on to us! maybe i can buy him off. i gotta talk to mel. we bought you. wade, you're done. let me have the shop keys. the key, wade.