new hat? jill's up, i see. how's she doing? you two want to do anything tomorrow and need a third party, give me a call, okay? i'm off. well, that's that. don't worry. i can protect my virtue. i mean, c'mon, wade, give me a break. you okay? who needs it? everybody who comes here has been coming for years so what they need a sign for? you okay? i'm sorry about what i said. about you and jill and needing a third person. she went back to lillian? i'm sorry. you don't mean that. no you don't. you're pissed, that's all. you ought to cool off for a few days then have a long talk with lillian. you know? work it out with her, tell her how you feel. lillian's not out to get you. call me. okay. stop being jealous. jack's sort of sensitive, i guess. more than most. but he'll be okay in a few weeks. i heard he was drunk at toby's last night and got in a fight with hettie. he drove off without her. jack's turned into one of those men who are permanently angry. he used to be a sweet kid, but it's like, when he found out he couldn't play ball anymore, he changed. now he's like everyone else. wade! how can you even think such a thing? why would jack hewitt do that, shoot twombley on purpose? jack doesn't need money. jack wouldn't kill for it. besides, who would pay him? the mafia hire jack hewitt? you wouldn't have done anything like that, shot someone for money. but not now. when you gonna get that tooth fixed? you knew me as a kid. what way? it's nice. don't you think, do you still think it's a good idea to press this custody thing -- just now? then. i guess you have to. oh, wade. you've been married twice -- alright. i'll think about it. did you tell them? that we were coming? i know your parents. are you sure they're home? did you call? think they're alright? how? have you been heating the house? not just with the stove. you're not using it today? maybe wade should take a look at it. your pipes'll freeze. wade, would you do that? when did she die? can --? they'll be at the church and the cemetery. wade. what happened? there's clothes in the back. i can't. stop it! stop it! just stop it! what on earth is happening to you? why are you acting this way? i heard you talking. you got fired this morning, didn't you? i'm just cleaning out some of this stuff that's built up. for the rummage sale. and some things for the cleaners. and the laundromat. don't be silly. hi, jill. leave me alone! leave me alone! get in. yes.