take care, wade. what? fuck. wade whitehouse. it's people like you that keep this fucking town from prospering. whatever somebody does to improve things around here, you gotta find fault with it. this town sucks. marg! marg! you got orders! you talked to jack? the fucker shot himself. ker-bang! that's what it sounds like. not on purpose. i assume accidental. the other guy. cb. little while ago. one of the boys on the way in picked up jack on the cb calling for state troopers. i figured you'd know what really happened. the fucking guy kill himself? this twombley, who the fuck is he, anyhow? he don't care for you. your father's in back, wade. marg had to babysit him. she moved in with you, huh? what happened? about fucking time. can it, whitehouse. get him out of here. it was funny at first, but i'm tired. marg, get out of this. fast. it's called a grilled cheese sandwich, you dub. wade, i got a message for you. jack hewitt, he's looking for you. wants you to clear your stuff out of his office in town hall. well, i guess -- that's what he said. no, he's out now. somewhere on the mountain. i'd stay away from him if i were you. he's real pissed.