move it! daylight in the swamps! a lesson in work and its rewards. you'll thank me for this one day. sally, turn off that tv! atta-go. what are you, a quitter? that was some job. i think we made the point. what was that? you got something to say, say it! say it! you no-good pup! i've got sons, goddamnit, oh my god, have i got sons! wade? rolfe? elbourne? you love me boys? do you love your pop? of course you do! oh, jesus, sally, you are such a goddamned good person! capital g. you are so much better than i am, i who am no good at all, you who are a truly good person, like a fucking saint! beyond fucking com-pare. my big boy bursting out of the seams of his jeans! you little prick! sleeping. from wickham's. been a while. like some coffee? we're alright. your ma's sleeping. you want me to get her? she's coming. there's a furnace. it's broke i guess. there's an electric in the bedroom. coffee's perked. is? she's dead then? i checked on her. she had the electric heater. cold don't bother her as much as me. which is why i give her the heater. in the living room. wade. i thought she was alright. till this morning she was. it makes me sad. makes me sad it was her. instead of me. i shoulda froze. goddamned hair on her head. not a one of you is worth a goddamned hair on that good woman's head! come on, smart guy. tell how it's no big deal. tell me how a single one of you is worth a single hair on that woman's head. go fuck yourself! listen to your little brother. 'wade, just leave it.' candy-asses. all of you. that's what i've got for children. candyasses. 'wade, just leave it.' praise the lord! 'just leave it!' ah, the prodigal son. look, got me a new job, second cook and bottle washer! the fuck you got waylaid. you follow your prick around like it was your nose. let's go home? what home is that? your home? my home? let's have a talk about that. you're fucking sly, wade. your mother's dead so she can't make any excuses for you anymore! you gotta deal with me! no more sugar tit, asshole. you think you can take me now? come on, try. you! by christ, you -- i know you. yeah, you goddamn sonofabitch, i know you. you're a goddamn fucking piece of my heart! nah-nah-naw! you done done finally done it! like a man done it. done it right. i love you, you mean sonofabitch! love! i'm made of love! everything you know is from me. bang! where the christ you going? you sonofabitch, you leave my fucking truck where it is! i need. give me the goddamn keys! i need to get me to town! nothing in the fucking house to drink. not a fucking thing. my house, my money, my truck -- stolen!