are you ready for the big present? it's in the garage. come with us. he follows them, looking back knowingly at fred and matt. 24 int. deacon's house - garage - day 24 the door opens, the lights come on, and deacon's face drops. no new car. instead, several large wrapped boxes. deacon halfheartedly rips open the paper. it's a new computer system. you've been talking about it for months. but his mom can see his expression. we can exchange it if it's not the right one. you can ask permission to use our car whenever you want, champ. they put their arms around deacon and smile warmly. deacon looks over at his parents' aerostar minivan. everyone moves back into the house, except deacon's parents, who linger. i told you he didn't want a new computer. and i'm telling the guy, he's got to use form nd-45 for a third-party beneficiary, but johnson's gotta be the big man. "we've been using nd-90 for twenty-two years." but johnson's an idiot. he doesn't know nd-90 doesn't even exist anymore. mom yawns. the phone rings and she gets it. why are you boys dressed like don ho? well, i'm sure there's a reasonable explanation why there's a naked girl in our kitchen. right, deacon? deacon isn't too sure. a fire? let me see the damage. damn right you will. maybe you can join us for dinner tonight. ashley looks at deacon. deacon's mom glares at dad. so get this. johnson comes up to me today and he's all like "where's the nd-90's?" i'm like, "johnson, they discontinued the nd-90 like six weeks ago." i've been telling this guy. exactly! mr. lewis is psyched that someone is finally paying attention to him. mrs. lewis doesn't like the way he's looking at her. his other girlfriend? dad's beaming with pride. the two girls size each other up. i need to give him a goddamn medal. what? i have to go back to the office tonight. johnson screwed the pooch again. hello, naughty school girl whom i've never met before. yeah. all set. where did you see ashley? you were on industrial? what?!? yeah, that would be great! i mean, if you're into that. you do? just then, deacon walks past them down the hallway towards his bedroom. dad eyes him with a rare combination of fatherly concern and male jealously. did you go through the mail today? looking for something in the mail, deacon? maybe something you'd rather not have us see. deacon goes white. explain? explain? how are you going to explain this? he holds up the report card. let alone two-- i don't like your tone, mister. okay, then. just make sure you don't repeat this performance on your finals. what do you think? are you crazy? it's for me. you want a new car, you get an after school job. deacon's mom is wearing a sexy outfit and carries an overnight bag. she's beaming. why do they always have to show the guy's face? hey. isn't that our basement? fade out: