what about roger? he's free. are you dictating my position to me? we're getting into some sticky legal territories here. eve, she strangled a baby! today's my birthday. i always make bad decisions on my birthday. hi, kitty. bonjour, i'm doctor martha livingston, i. well. i. yes. i. thank you. you were a smoker? i can beat that. who knew about agnes' pregnancy? how did she hide it from the other nuns? is that normal? how did she hide it during the day? didn't she have any physical examinations who was the father? what man had access to her? was there a priest? what's his name? could there have been anyone else? and you didn't try to find out who? why haven't you asked her? look, someone gave her the baby. why do you think that? well i'm the doctor. i'm the one who's going to decide what is, or is not important here. the science of psychiatry. i am not with the inquisition. hello. i'm doctor livingston. i've been asked to talk to you. may i? you have a lovely voice. i just heard you. was it sister marguerite? hasn't anyone ever told you that before? what would you like to talk about. anything. may i sit down? first thing that comes to your mind? second thing that comes to your mind. have you ever loved anyone? who? well, who in particular? uh huh. agnes, have you ever loved another man. other than, jesus christ? who? well do you love. do you love father martineau? do you think he loves you? he's told you? you've been alone together? often? and you like that? where do you meet? agnes, do ever see father martineau outside the. would you like to talk about it? why should they? do you remember the night they said it came? how were you sick? did it hurt? where? and what did you do? and what happened? and then what? in the middle of all the pain? where did the baby come from? the baby they made up. is that where they say it came from. ? where'd it come from before that? after god. before the waste-paper basket. agnes, how are babies born? yes i do, but i want you to. then let's talk about something else. agnes. would you like to ask them? just that. you ask and i'll answer. anything. martha louise livingston. no. not at the moment, no. no. i can't have them any more. i've stopped menstruating does it bother you? smoking is an obsession with me. maybe one day i'll become obsessed with something else, then i'll stop smoking. do you have any more questions? what? from their mothers and fathers of course. before that, i. i don't know. do you know a marie? why should i? what's your opinion? from other nuns. yes i. i've noticed. how could she have a baby and know nothing of sex or birth? if she's so innocent, how come she murdered a child? so, someone else could have done it. and in your eyes? that she was unconscious, yes! so someone easily could have come in the room and killed the. it's possible isn't it? one of the other nuns found out about the baby and. and wanted to avoid a scandal. that possibility never occurred to you? is father martineau in please? ??? and you're the only man to see them? hello, mama . brought you something. it's your favourite. it's martha, mama. there you go. i thought cherry-vanilla was your favourite. did you have a good week mama. are they treating you all right? marie's dead mama. mama, that wasn't marie, that was me! i. i'm martha, mama. how do you survive? well that's a lot of land. you must have help. do you have field hands that help you? sister anne, which was agnes' room? the one up on the third floor? uh huh. well, it's been known to happen in the day too. maybe agnes went to him. when did you first learn about her. innocence, the way she thinks? and you weren't shocked? and what happened? this was before her pregnancy? why didn't you take her to a doctor? she had a. a hole in the palm of her hand! she could have bled to death. she has it now. not simple, no. it's being doing it for centuries. she's not unique, she's just another victim. and i intend to take her away from him. that's what you're afraid of isn't it? thanks. look there are a lot of unanswered questions here. i know my job. don't tell me my job lyon. my duty as a doctor is to. no. no, excuse me eve. as quickly as i see fit. why? and the sooner she goes to prison, the better off she'll be? i don't believe this. i don't bloody believe this. i'm fighting for this woman's life, not some bloody bishop. you liked sister paul? what else did she tell you? where's that?. i promise i won't tell, would you take me? sister paul was in her eighties? did she climb up here often? no wonder. wait. agnes. agnes how do you feel about babies? like what? i don't understand them either. do you suppose i was dropped on my head? oh, i've got to give up smoking. agnes . wait a minute. agnes slow down. beautiful. what happens if the bell rings and you're under there? it's like hiding from my mother when i was a little girl. oh, no place as wonderful as this. agnes. have you ever thought of leaving the convent for something else? you have trouble sleeping? what things? how did she know that? who? agnes. i promise i won't laugh. who told her? did your mother see angels often? do you? do you believe she really saw them? why not? mmm? agnes, did you love your mother? did you ever want to be a mother yourself? why not? why not? if you did want one, how'd you go about getting one? like you? how would that person get one if they didn't want one? agnes, how did your mother get you? is that what she said? agnes, i don't believe you know nothing about sex. that you don't remember getting pregnant. and that you don't believe you carried a child. what the child? agnes. what? i hate ignorance and stupidity. i haven't said anything against the the catholic church. how dare you tell me to run my affairs! how dare you think i'm in a position to be pressured. or bullied or what ever you're doing. who the hell do you think you are? you go around here expecting applause for the way you treated this child. and she has a right to know that there's a world out there filled with people who don't believe in god. ??? . virginity, right mother? poverty, chastity and ignorance is what you live by. then help her. no, you're shielding her. let her face the world. there's another choice. aquittal. innocence. legal innocence. i know the judge would be happy for any reason to throw this case out of court. answers. when would agnes have conceived the child? do you remember anything unusual happening at the time? visitors to the convent. do you have a. a diary or a day book? take at look at it. was the child full term? what is it? what sheets? when was that? sister paul? no. why do you call it an investigation? i never have. what does this have to do with? who told you this? what business is it of yours? look, father, ah. just because i don't subscribe to the. to the beliefs you subscribe to. i don't understand. are you expecting me to? agnes, i'm here because i want to help you. but you're troubled. aren't you? and you're unhappy. agnes. sometimes, yes. what did you do? what did you do? agnes. what did your mother do to you? if you can't answer me, just shake your head yes or no. did. did she hit you? did she make you do something you didn't want to? did it make you feel uncomfortable to do it? did it embarrass you? did it. did it hurt you? what did she make you you do? you can tell me. she's dead isn't she? she can't hurt you any more. how? agnes, i don't believe that. tell me. i'll protect you from her. yes? yes? she tells you you're ugly? and that you're stupid? that you're a mistake? why? how does she know that? oh, yes. what? agnes, oh agnes, agnes i want you to do something. i want you to pretend that i'm your mother. oh yes, only this time i want you to tell me what you're feeling, alright? please! i want to help you. let me help you. agnes, you're ugly!. what do you say? of course you do. agnes, you're ugly!. what do you say? are you pretty? agnes, you're stupid. are you intelligent? you're a mistake. oh agnes, oh agnes, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright, i love you. i really love you. as much as god loves you. agnes? who? mother superior? what? sister. oh, good afternoon sister, i. i'm looking for some biographical data on sister agnes, and mother said i might find it here. thank you. you lied to me your niece! no, it just makes you doubly responsible doesn't it? and agnes' father? like keeping her home from school? listening to angels? do you know what she did to her? she molested her! there is more here than meets the eye isn't there? lots of dirty little secrets. why didn't you? you knew she was keeping her home from school. you knew she was an alcoholic. why didn't you do anything to stop her? oh, god. larry. larry there's got to be something missing. something they. that they overlooked. i don't know. larry. maybe there's something that's not in the report that should be. thanks. i've gotten the court's permission to hypnotise her. i'd like yours too. don't deny it! the woman's health is at stake. i don't give a damn about her spiritual health. sentence her and be done with it, that's what you're saying and i. an unhappy woman. then why did you call the police in the first place mother, huh? bullshit! catholic church doesn't have a corner on morality. you just said. nothing. it wasn't sex. it was a lot of things, but it wasn't sex. you know when i was in the first grade my best friend was run that's all? that's enough! she was a beautiful little girl. i wasn't. i wasn't. she was the pretty one. she died, why not me? i never said my morning prayers. and i was ugly, i was scrawny, i had buck teeth and freckles all over my face, do you know what the nun called me, sister mary clitus, called me polkadot livingston. no, because i. yeah, yeah i left the church cause i had freckles. my sister died in a convent. and it's her voice i hear. does my smoking bother you? would you like one? huh? all right? do you suppose the saints would have smoked if tobacco had been popular back then? long, thin and filtered. hand rolled. saint peter? right. oh, you've come a long way baby. right. what do you suppose today's saints are smoking? do you think they ever existed? do you want to become one? well you can try, can't you, to be good? do you think agnes is still attached to god? i'd like to begin. the hypnotism. do you still disapprove? no. of course. you're listening to a chorus of angels. the music surrounds you like a. warm and, comfortable pool of water. and while you're sleeping, you're going to be able to recall, all the things that we want you to remember. and when i count to three and clap my hands, you'll no longer be hypnotised. can you hear me. who am i? and why am i here? good. would you like to tell me why you're here? what kind of trouble? what kind of trouble agnes? of what? but it's easy. it's just a breath with sound. say it. what kind of trouble? how did you have a baby? did you know what was going to come did you want it to come out? why? why were you afraid? to be a mother? why? no not yet agnes, very soon but not yet. how did the baby get into you? what made it grow? do you know? would you like to tell me? did anyone else know about the baby? will she be angry? who? who made you promise? it's alright agnes. it's alright. let's go to your room. it's the night about six weeks ago when you were very sick. oh don't be, i'm here. it's alright. i want you to tell me what you did before you went to bed. hm hmm. what did you have for dinner? you don't like brussel sprouts? and then what happened? hm hmm. what is it? who? was it sister marguerite who knew about the baby? alright agnes, i want you to see your room as you saw it on that night. what else? above the bed? any. anything else? what do you you see, something different? what is it? do you know who put it there? what do you think it's there for? are you ill? what do you feel? what do you do? which one? of what? why isn't anyone coming? what is it? who? is someone in the room with you? no. no. i said leave her alone. alright agnes. it's alright. one, two three. it's alright. it's me, doctor livingston, it's alright, alright. thankyou agnes, thankyou. how do you feel? do you remember what just happened? that's good. do you feel well enough to stand? there you go. it's alright, it's alright, it's all over. it's alright agnes, that's right, that's right. that's how he got in. or she got out. nothing. may i take some notes? it's. it's alright helen, just close the door. you're what? one that will ask the questions you want asked. for the church? you think she's a saint? how? how? she hallucinates, stops eating and bleeds spontaneously. is that supposed to convince me she shouldn't be touched. give me a miracle. who is he? my god, you're as crazy as. how ? well give me a reasonable explanation this is insane. you're saying god did it? but how did it happen? i thought you didn't believe in miracles today mother? but what you are choosing to believe is a lie because you won't face the fact that she was raped. or seduced. or that she did the seducing. but she is not an enigma mother. everything that agnes has done is explainable from modern psychiatry. one, two, three, right down the line. that's what i have to believe. there's a tunnel out of the crypt into the barn. did you know about that? there's an answer mother. that's how she got out. somebody told her. oh, would you stop lying mother! because it's murder we're talking about. aren't you concerned about what she told us about the other person in her room. who was that person mother? was it you? all i want is one more week. yes, that's because i'm getting to her. i'll have a decision by next week. oh joe. joe she didn't kill the baby. i'll have it. next week. i can get you new evidence next week. tomorrow. tomorrow, i'll get it by tomorrow. i will. where is she? i have a few more questions to ask her. who knew she was pregnant? was it you? did you know she was pregnant? and you didn't send her to a doctor. for what? an abortion? too late for what? the baby? you went to the room to help with the birth. you wanted that child out of the way. you hid the wastepaper basket in her room. and the baby. you tied the cord around its neck. before or after you killed the child? i doubt that's what she'd say. agnes, can you hear me? i want you to remember if you can a night last january. the night sister paul died. do you remember. what did she mean? and the passage to the barn? why? who? how did she know about him? where? so she sent you? what happened? are you frightened? what do you see? oh agnes. agnes. agnes. agnes it had nothing to do with the hand of god. he did a terrible thing to you, do you understand? he frightened you and he hurt you. it's not your fault. it's his fault. tell us who he is so we can find him. stop him from doing this to other women. agnes who did you see? of course you do. who was it? yes. who? agnes, who did this to you? agnes you won't burn in hell. it's alright to hate him. agnes, what happened to the baby? what happened to the baby? it was alive wasn't it? wasn't it! mother miriam was with you wasn't she? she took the baby in her arms? you saw it all didn't you? and then. what did she do? agnes what did she do? what did you do? h. how? i don't know the meaning behind the song she sang. perhaps it was a song of seduction. and the father was a fieldhand. perhaps the song was simply a lullaby that she remembered from many years ago. and the father was hope and. and love and desire. and a belief in miracles. I want to believe that she was blessed. And I do miss her, and I hope that she's left something, some little part of herself with me. That would be miracle enough wouldn't it?