it's not like he hasn't made us wait a few times. yeah, no duh. i'm sure he's busy. if i go over there to say hi to daddy president, mike's going to tell me he's in a meeting and can't be disturbed. then when the plane starts to taxi, he'll come out and say "hey, are you guys back? did you enjoy the ballet?" but he'll be on his way to another meeting and won't wait for an answer. then you'll get pissed at him and he'll get pissed at you. it's like you guys rehearse or something. hey joey, how `bout a cocoa, double whip cream. mom, just this once, give it a rest. back at the fishbowl? i know, mom. it was great. really. he's in a meeting. he can't be disturbed. no, it's okay. after all, he is the president, right? when i write my memoirs i think i'll devote an entire chapter to the cocoa aboard air force one. i know. but lotsa times i feel like it's me versus the world. some kid at school teases me and the same day a plague breaks out in bangladesh. i mean it doesn't take a genius to figure which is more important. that's not really the point. big secret. you said the same thing to newsweek. we're taxiing. ready. and. five. four. three. two. one. cue daddy. oooooh, i'm good. it was the experience of a lifetime. sure. daddy. daddy? dad? i'm scared. i don't drink coffee. no, thank you. the gunfire did that. you're one of stravanavitch's men. yeah, i study world events. five thousand turkienistan muslims were slaughtered in stravanvitch's cleansings. along with 15 american school kids. you know hqw i studied that. i went to their funerals with my dad. i met their parents. yeah. do you know what the word "asshole" means. mom? i'm sorry i was so mean to you earlier. the woman you shot. she was my friend. fuck off, you stupid asshole. he didn't leave us. daddy. daddy. daddy, please. dad, look out. been better, dad. you? no! oh ny god. oh my god. oh my god. daddy, look. it says. nothing! there they are! my school play's tuesday night. mon.