like what, son. shoot our own plane down? roger. we all wish. now shut the fuck up and escort. roger, sir. okay boys, clear the deck. i have been ordered to engage air force one. assuming attack posture. targeting computer is on. target is acquired. i have good tone close on: the flight stick. carlton's finger over the firing button. he hesitates. they're gonna court martial me for this. here they come. everybody break. now! now! now! they've changed their bearing. air force one. air force one. air force one. please respond. air force one, you are entering hostile air space. air force one. i said back off and hold your fire. halo team, this is group leader. this is the real thing boys. let's fly and fry. we got two on the loose. someone get on them. bullshit. do it. copy air force one. welcome to the party. hang tough, i'm on my way. mr. president, it's an honor. now with your permission can we lead you the fuck out of here. put your pilot on. who's flying the fucking plane? oh shit. hang on. somebody help me out. i got one up my ass. two and three are heading toward the boeing. okay. we're gonna arc a fat one to the right. got it? stay cool. we still got three migs running around and six more on the way. take the shot. we got six more bogeys, closing fast from the south. roger that. kick ass, navy. just stay on my wing, sir. i'll take you all the way in. lemme take a look. aw, man. you're torn up pretty bad out here, sir. do you have any elevater control. uh, tower, we got a problem up here. i'm sorry, sir.