air force one banks into a curve and descends through broken clouds. the pale moon catches shiny streaks of metal that descend through the broken clouds. the squadron of f-15 eagles drops into formation around air force one. small bay doors open in the belly of air force one, and a human sized cannister drops from the bottom, its parachute opening instantly. air force one hovers atop billowy peaks. the smaller f-15s cluster around her in a loose formation. air force one, lit up by moonlight. the other airplanes flare out giving distance to the jumbo jet. canton's plane drops back. the missile follows a wide arc toward the banking plane. the missile screams toward the jumbo jet, a slow easy target. the f-lss pull back into formation around the jumbo jet. a kc-135, the usaf flying gas station, descends in front of air force one. the kc-135 extends its flying gas pump. as air force one edges its nose up to the appendage. the appendage finds it's grove and slides right in. the kc-135 flies above air force one, connected by a gasoline umbilical cord. the squadron of f-15 still surround air force one, which slowly banks to one side. air force one and the cluster of f-15's zoom by. a half dozen migs race by the cluster of american aircraft at breakneck speeds. a mig loops into position behind carlton. the missile detaches from the mig and slides toward carlton. looking forward from underneath an f-15, the mig heads toward air force one. the f-15 fires a sidewinder. two migs flare out of an engagement with the f-15's and break toward air force one. on the two mig's heading for air force one. carlton puts his plane into a triple canopy roll then slams on his airbreaks. the mis shoots by him and carlton lets loose with his cannons. the mig pulls up and disengages. two migs targeting the big bird. of course its pointless. the boeing is a fucking sloth compared to these fighters. the missile has air force one dead to rights, crawling right up its tail pipe. a squadron of navy f-14s drops into the theatre. the cavalry. canton pulls up and drops back over the plane. he looks down at the boeing's wing. kc-lo transport plane. the kc-lo pratically on top of air force one. separated by forty feet. super flying. rose and her ranger are pulled aboard the transport. the massive fireball and glowing remains of the presidential aircraft almost reaches up to where the president struggles to hold on to the end of the cable. marshall slipping off the line, unable to get a solid hold.