general greely says it looks like the middle east. he's dead then. they must have killed him. holding the president hostage is not something that slips your mind when you're making demands. walter, if you have a point, make it. we've got four hours before they make it into turkienistan airspace. i hate to be pragmatic, but they'll sacrifice pawns before kings. it may take them some time to kill their way up to senior staff. maybe they don't have him yet. and maybe we aren't so helpless. ramutein tower control, please. exactly. ramstein? general northwood. patch me through to your fighters. madame vice president. with your permission? like any good poker player, they're checking over their hand seeing which cards to play and which to discard. they aren't answering their hails. iraqi's won't buy it. either they're already in on this or they'll think we're spying. then tell him to get the fuck out of iraq. they've got no chutes. they can't control the plane, their engines are failing and they're losing fuel. that's game, set, and match. there's nothing to do, except call the chief justice. to swear you in as president. on their way back to turkey. why?