gentlemen, welcome to air force one. sir, this plane carries the president of the united states. please place your thumbs on the id pad. gentlemen, this is maria mitchell. hey walters, you and johnson come here a second. reykjavik just sent the advance team report. come on! quickly. the secret service believes in being prepared for any eventuality. throttle up. throttle up! come on. okay, 30,000 feet. give me my heading. call me if something changes. to fly a 747 you need to know three things. how to take of f, how to land, and how to engage the autopilot. dead. nine. no damages. she's alive, ma'am, for the time being. the secret service did their job, ma'am. the president is safely off the plane. but that still leaves us plenty to bargain with. follow me, ma'am. we checked the manifest. everyone was accounted for. what the hell's going on? why would they fire on us? i'm not a combat pilot. we're okay. why did they do that? well it worked. goddamnit it. we're losing fuel. avionics compartment! it's the only place. you better get zedeck down there fast unless, of course, you'd rather be a martyr than a savior. we've stopped dumping. but we've only got about twenty minutes of fuel left. not even close. hell, we can't even make syria or iraq. over the black sea. i can probably get us to turkey or georgia. where's that goddamn plane? tnt. about goddamn time. air force one, acknowledged. tnt. roger kc-135 pilot that's affirmative. she's bucking. i can't hold her! holy shiti gibbs pushes the stick down and air force one begins to dive to safety. more than enough to get us home. yes, mr. president. because it is my duty. my loyalty was never to my country.