good evening and thank you. first i would ask you to join me in a moment of silence for the victims of the turkmenistan massacres. as you know, three weeks ago american special forces, in cooperation with the russian republican army, secured the arrest of turkmenistan's self- proclaimed dictator, general ivan stravanavitch, whose brutal sadistic reign had given new meaning to the word horror. i am proud to say our operation was a success. and now, yesterday's biggest threat to world peace. today awaits trial for crimes against humanity. what we did here was important. we finally pulled our heads out of the sand, we finally stood up to the brutality and said "we've had enough. every time we ignore these atrocities-- the rapes, the death squads, the genocides- every time we negotiate with these, these thugs to keep them out of gig country and away from gig families, every time we do this.e. we legitimize terror. i always wondered if my freshman russian class would come in handy. goddamn right i did. i asked for a tough-as-nails speech and you gave me diplomatic bullshit. what's the point in having a speech if i have to ad-lib? thanks. wrote it last night. no, no. i'm fine. what did the speaker say? put together a score sheet. i'll make some calls. i might still have a few chips left. this is a crime bill, shep. killing a couple ducks won't get it through committee. besides, shep, i told you. i don't shoot babies and i don't kiss guns. right. christ i'm tired. do me a favor and keep me away from the press. it's bait. don't take it. did we tape the duke game? please don't tell me. just for once, * let me be surprised. hey danny. how's it look tonight? you keep offering, one of these days i'll take you up on it. rose and alice back yet? thirty seconds. yes. i said it's not worth the fight. steward, please. that's my job. hey mike. could you get me a heineken? c'mon shep. i've been eating borscht and drinking vodka for days. isn't that enough? new home starts are down. fill this with heineken. i don't believe this. i'm playing politics with a bottle of beer. a goddamn bottle of beer. i've been in office too long. yeah. put the duke game on in my room. defense and state department in the conference room in one hour. i want to review the iraq situation. get me the housing secretary. hey, you guys back already? how was. . the ballet? how `bout a hug for the old man. okay. hey, pumpkin, you'll tell me all about it later, right? can't it wait? rose, i don't have time for this. she's a big girl. she understands. and when have i had five minutes? when i wake up in the morning and i'm already three hours behind schedule. what do you want me to do, rose, tell the g7 to fuck off because i'm a family man? you know what? i miss you. and i miss her. i wish it were that easy. i'll make it up to you, i promise. this promise isn't subject to congressional approval. well, they aren't burning me in effigy. that's always a good sign. look on the bright side, hon. shep here thinks i'll be a one termer. the first lady was making a joke, shep. i'll make some time, rose. i promise. they've gotta be joking. an exercise in futility. send the nimitz back in. tell our boys to cool their jets. i don't need `em creating policy for me. what's going on? where's my family? the launch codes! who's protecting the football? rose! alice! alice! what about my family? but. goddamnit. that's right, asshole. i don't think so. clear. where are th*y? fly tamily, the crew. where are they? o'11 unlocli the door for me or i'll kill you. the nra'll love this. goddamnit. washington d.c.? yes, the number for the white house. okay listen, listen carefully. this is an emergency call from air force one. who's there? is the vice- president there? don't cut me off. this is an emergency. you don't understand. this is an emergency. let me talk to anyone. look lady, i don't have time for games. just put the. no. no. no. wait. wait. i should know this. * so will you. do you know what's going to happen to you because of this? do you know what the world will do? did they say anything about my family? then tell me there's a rescue operation underway. you know my policy. we don't negotiate with terrorists. if we start now, all of america becomes a target. freeing stravanavitch is gonna get tens of thousands killed. i can't live with that. i'm not royalty. i'm an elected official and the integrity of the office of the president is infinitely more important than the man who holds that office. we don't negotitate. not as long as i'm president. is that understood? flow, is there a rescue operation under way or not? where's the cavalry? i'll see what i can do. what the hell. out of fuel. come on, where are you. no! aw, jesus. she was important. you can talk me through an emergency fuel dump. got it. okay, it's on. we've got some indicator lights here. got `en. i'll wait. it's cut. an emergency landing in friendly territory. there's your goddamn miracle. don't make the same mistake your friend did earlier. show me your hands. open the door. it's me goddamnit. let me go. i never left. where's my wife and daughter? i dumped most of the fuel. they'll land soon and delta will take its shot. mr. caidwell, the ground's a few miles away. how do you propose getting us from here to there? we've already played our cards, major. there's no turning back. they've cut communication, and i spent a good bit of time looking for alternatives. my only solution ran out of batteries. excuse me? no good. i said they disabled the communications system. get `em ready. you. come with me. got it. white house situation room. someone should give you a raise. it's yours. i'll not going without my family. what about them? that isn't necessary. thank you. hey, by the way. who won the duke game? special agent gibbs. you helped do this? why? you're duty to what? the country you served doesn't exist anymore. over my dead body. she isn't a part of this. this is between you and me. this administration does not negotiate with terrorists. alice. i. no! stop. yes, i'll do it. just leave my family alone. someday, you'll regret my nature. please. don't start with me. and you have always been my guardian angel. could i. could i have some water? one thing i've learned as and there's one thing i've learned from being a sports fan. it ain't over, til it's over. shepherd. call petrov. i'll be back. it's over, korshunov. you won. now let her go. there's nowhere to go. how you doing, sweetie? let my daughter go or i'll take you out! let her go now! or i will kill you. hold on, alice. it's okay, honey. i got you. i got you. you're okay. gone. they're all gone. what is that sound? my god. i think that was a mig. they're flying a protection formation. call d.c. find out what's going on. iraq? shep, you're fired. shit. twenty-five years. flying the plane. i'm sure it's like riding a bicycle. downhill with no brakes and somebody shooting at you. we got two coming at us! u.s. pilots, this is air force one. we're hit. we've got an engine on fire. this is president marshall. i know you guys are busy, but we need some help here. you read my mind. he's busy being dead. i'm doing what i can. negative. we've lost navagition. i don't know where that is. got it. how we doing, colonel? we're at full throttle. well get `em off me, goddamnit. not now, pumpkin. oh shit. it's got us. uh, we got a problem here. no. we're losing fuel and my rudder's not responding. sluggish. i think it's jammed too. thanks for your help, colonel. is it our only option? - then do it. we're now over the black sea, so even if they could get us chutes we'd drown or die of hypothermia how long's it been? they better. fuel's almost gone. okay, i'm slowing us down. do you see teem? we're hooked. hove into position. get going. we don't have much time left. i love you too. we're going to make it. i promise. acknowledged. i can't hold it! we've lost two of your men. there's no one to fly the plane. no time. i only have one engine left. i can't stabilize it. i'm losing number four! come on. ten mare seconds.