the president and i were delighted that we could accommodate you. now if you're all cleared? you can follow me then. * i'll be giving you a brief tour, then during the flight, two members of your crew will be allowed out of the press area at a time for filming. you will have exactly ten minutes with the president and twenty with the crew. up on the upper deck is the cockpit and the mission communication center. the mcc, as we call it, can place clear and secure phone calls to anywhere on earth. we're linked to a network of military and civilian satellites and ground stations. we could run the country or run a war from there if we had to. you don't know the half of it. did you know this entire plane is shielded from radiation? we could fly through a mushroom cloud completely unharmed if necessary. i guess it depends on your perspective. conference rooms, though some have other functions. the one up front doubles as an emergency medical center. as you can see, back here's more like a regular plane. security and secret service take this cabin. you'll be in the rear with the press pool. here's a press kit. i'll let you guys get comfortable and once we're airborne i'll be able to schedule the interviews. maria. maria mitchell. scared. we're scared. you're pointing a gun at me.