forget it. the boys on the board want that shuttle to go on schedule. bud, get wise to the political realities. the boys on the board are under a lot of pressure from the boys downtown. listen, bud, the boys downtown are under heavy fire from the boys in washington. that's why they're putting pressure on the boys on the board. you handle your front office people, i'll handle the press and leave the boys in washington to the boys downtown and the boys downtown to the boys on the board. what? that just doesn't make any sense. i told you, leave the boys in washington to the boys downtown and the boys down. i'll trust you on this, bud, but i'm a little nervous about oveur's record. the boys downtown are taking the heat from the boys in washington and the boys. bud, the president wants an explanation. i was reading too. some southern plantation owner falls in love with this poor. commissioner, aquarius. he's suicidal. give me the president of the united states. tell him it's the commissioner. i don't know how the old man's going to take this. i don't think that shuttle's going to make it, sir. yes, sir.