senseless or not, sergeant, there's a pattern here. this is the 12th victim this week with a chalk mark around the body. i want this whole area cordoned off! i want everyone in this terminal booked and beaten until they talk. i want an m.o. on everyone who has seen the sound of music and i want the entire population of hawaii off that rock and into the water within one hour. sergeant. i said cordon off, not accordian off! now dust this area for prints. and run a check on their plates. who's in charge here, mister? hallick, homicide. we have information that one of your passengers is carrying a bomb and might be suicidal. we have our methods. have you heard of the heimlich method? exactly. good. this is the passenger's wife. mrs. joe salucci. the way i read it, blowin' up a plane in space leaves no traces, if you know what i mean. no blood. no body. no bones. no eyes. no ears. no throats.