simon. and i can hardly believe that i'm engaged to someone like you, simon. i'm a very lucky woman. but, darling, they've offered me a chance to head up the computer analysis division for the jupiter probe. i'm so excited, simon. no, i've been excited before. te! ted, we've been worried sick ever since you escaped from the ronald reagan institute for the mentally feeble. but, ted, the invitations have already gone out. what did ted mean? ted, what's wrong? ted, you're overworked. you've been flying yourself into the ground. let's relax tonight, just the two of us. i'll make a quiet italian dinner just the way you like it, with spaghetti. no! wait! you're hurting him! simon, why has he become so. so. don't be too long. ted, please. you're just making things difficult for yourself. ted, i loved you and i'll always love you. but i need simon. he's stable. he's a good provider. i want that at this stage of the game, ted. he might have his faults, but simon doesn't know the meaning of the word fear and i need that in a man. ted, you should go right back to the hospital. eat this spaghetti, ted. it'll make you feel a lot better. who's that, ted? and when are you going to realize, ted, that your mental hygiene is the most important thing right now. what's his problem? ted, you must remember what the doctor said, the first step on the road to sanity is admitting that you're sick. now take your electro-shock and you'll be back at the space center in no time. and by the way, ted, i'm leaving you for simon. i just can't go on living with a man who refuses to deal with reality, ted. i have to go now. believe me, it's best for all concerned. if that's the way you want it. goodbye, ted. i don't want to hurt you. that's odd. ted! what are you? ted, we're taking off! ted seemed to get worse after i told him about simon, doctor. what can i do, doctor rumack? i mean for ted. is that a good sign, doctor? hello, ted. i brought you some spaghetti. what are you doing, ted? ted. ted! is he making any progress, doctor? yes, sir. that's really strange. intermitant failure in scan mode "r". analyze. that doesn't make sense. repeat analysis. that's not possible. i think so. that's okay, rok. go ahead. simon, i'm going to check rok's secondary readout unit. ted. i don't know why you got on this flight. i don't know what you're trying to prove. we can't go back. we had something very special, but it's all over. ted, get a grip on yourself. you should never have left the hospital. i've never used the word insane, ted. the word is sick. ted -- very, very, very sick. i'd use the word insane. ted, a toilet's not going to kill anyone. holy shit. request; comprehensive electrical systems check. request; life support systems check. request; self-analysis of rok hardware and software systems regarding behavioral changes. i don't think we have any alternative, captain. we have to disconnect rok's higher brain functions without disturbing his regulatory system. you can do it from up here, captain. no, i mean you can do it from the cockpit. simon! captain oveur! simon, what's happening?! can't we change course? then ted was right! your career! what about the lives of those people out there. simon, what happened to the man i thought i loved? i've got to get ted. just don't come apart on me now, simon. no. please, ladies and gentlemen, please calm down. listen to me! we've been thrown off course just a tad. in space terms, about 70 million miles. the bumps you feel are car-sized asteroids smashing into the hull. also, we're heading right for the sun and can't seem to change course. not exactly. we're also out of coffee. there is absolutely nothing to worry about! your crew is in complete control of the situation. ted, ted. listen to me, ted. you were right all along. ted, we've lost the crew and simon's turned to jelly! my god. but he was right! he's not crazy! i don't know who you are or how you lost your sight, but i'll never forget this night as long as i live. simon, i. hello. this is the mayflower. over! come in, anyone. this is elaine thompson. i'm five-six, 123 pounds with brown hair and i'm sitting down and facing the front. ted! ted, there's no time to explain. ted, i was wrong about you. how could i ever have doubted you? i love you, ted. ted, this reminds me of twenty years ago over chicago. ted, please be careful. ted, we've only got ten minutes. i mean until we start to burn up. that was very well put, ted. he's got a point, ted. i just want you to know, i love you ted and always will. a b. come in, control! we have the bomb!! but it is a dry heat, ted. the b. ted. i love you. be careful. simon! wait! what are you doing?! simon, i didn't want it to end like this. we can be friends! you'll die out there. simon, what are you saying?! simon, no! simon just ejected! you mean. what will happen to him, ted? not when i'm with you, ted. set! compute! ted, the lever! will this work, ted? ted, that's alpha beta! ted! we're not stopping!! ted! ted, what's going to happen to us?