passengers are taking their seats. ted spots elaine and moves towards her. the terrorists look confused. joe salucci clutches his case and wipes his brow. mary takes a man's suit bag. the g-force causes passengers' hair to go straight back. a buxom woman looks down at her bust -- it's completely flat. mary moves down the aisle checking passengers. she passes father o'flanagan who reads alterboy magazine -- an alterboy in bikini bathing suit on cover. she passes mrs. gooch who reads high times. she stops at a ten-year-old girl. joe salucci clutches his attache case and wipes his brow. mary leans over him. the texan with talmud is now trying to wrap himself in tfilin. ted and stella. stella is feeding her father and listening to ted. testa is serving the walters coffee from a steaming pot. passengers scream. blonde woman in viking helmet with spear stands and screams operatically. the passengers are screaming. the terrorists stop elaine. there's pandemonium in the cabin. ted lies unconscious. all passengers look forward and smile. all we see are feet sticking up from the seats. the ship lurches from side to side. passengers sweat profusely. sfx: flies buzzing ted has the coffee machine apart, wears a headset and holds wires in pliars. anxious passengers with coffee cups stand over him -- they are all totally wired and going cold turkey. striker stands over the coffee machine, sweating like mad. the passengers with cups hang over him. he makes contact with a wire. joe salucci wipes his brow, lays his case on his lap. all passengers look forward in ted's direction. the passengers stand in the aisle listening to mary. simon is dressed in space suit and moving down the aisle. elaine holds onto him. mrs. gooch sucks on her cushion -- she's totally zonked on acid. mary instructs passengers. two passengers with legs up over their shoulders and looking out over their rear ends, play cards. testa talks to the passengers. psychedelic lights flash. passengers scream. mary maneuvers down the aisle. passengers are screaming and being tossed around. mary and testa start directing panic-striken passengers to the exits.