i know this guy, ted striker. i flew with him during the war. he was a crack pilot but he didn't have it in the crunch. that is. until that day over chicago. he brought that busted up 767 out of that storm like a paper glider coming outta the baby blue. but flying that shuttle is a whole different ballgame. what's the latest, lieutenant? down scope! he'll never bring that thing in on manual, but i guess striker's their only hope. it's his ship now. he's the top dog. the big man. the numero uno honcho. the head cheese. striker, this is rex kramer on alpha beta. do you read me? over. that's right, ted. rex kramer. we've locked you on track beam. you're going to have to kill those worp engines in exactly thirty seconds. over. now, striker! kill worp! try another handle! no buttons?! i'd give my right arm to get just one of these buttons or levers up there right now. okay, striker. you're going to have to pull that lever panel off. now find a piece of metal and stick it in there. what the hell is a man doing with a. forget it. it'll have to do, striker. okay, striker. we have you on visual. just keep her level. keep her nose up! don't fight her! now, striker, there are a few things you have to keep in mind as you get close to the planet's atmosphere. first and foremost you have to make one very important decision. is this a landing you're sure you can make without endangering the lives of your passengers? now, once you've made that decision you have to be very clear about your responsibility to those people on that ship. their lives, their futures, their goals and aspirations are in your hands, striker. we're all with you on this one, striker. now get ready to position landing gear, cut engines, and fire your retrorockets. timing's of the essence on a lame duck approach, striker. don't fight her. hold her steady. nose up. don't fight her, striker. hold her! hold her! stay with her, striker! now, hit your landing gear and cut those engines! timing's everything, striker! fire your retro-rockets! now give her full flap and keep that nose up. okay, now!