commissioner, we both know the mercury shuttle needs another month of pre-launch testing. and what do the boys on the board know about safety, commissioner? let me talk to them. and i'll be the one they'll hang if there's a screw-up. well, you tell the boys on the board to tell the boys downtown to let the boys in washington know that the press has been nosing around my people in the front office. commissioner. i just wish it was that simple. just patch up the damage and get that ship ready to fly. that's an order, mister! you heard it, boys. now, what do you say? that's right, commissioner. senselessly murdered just minutes ago. i wonder how your boys in washington are going to take this one. you've made your point, commissioner. there's only one other pilot who can handle that shuttle and that's clarence oveur. he's got a lunar flight today. i want him pulled. jacobs, pull oveur! forget it. i was reading. what's the story? i was asking mccrosky, commissioner. give it to me straight, mccrosky -- what's it look like. not the radio, the situation. i want to know exactly what your people think. kruger, sagittarius. and what methods are those? i'm not exactly sure what you mean, captain. he's impotent. come in, mayflower. this is bud kruger. over. look, striker, i don't know how you got into that driver's seat but i want simon kurtz on that radio and i want him now! striker, you're heading right for the sun, so don't you think it's a little late for that bleeding heart liberal crap now? just put kurtz on that radio!!