welcome aboard. isn't that dr. barrington, the world renowned agronomist? welcome aboard. can i take your case? doesn't he realize that a weak proletariat needs a strong liberal bourgeoisie in a joint struggle against monopoly capitalism? can i hang that for you, sir? please take your seats. i guess this is pretty exciting for you. our actual flight time is over fourteen months, but due to the time-space variant at sub-light speeds, our onboard flight time will be just over eighteen hours. would you like something to read? time, newsweek, business week, and the the twenty-four volume dissertation on the hebrew law. and you, sir? would you like a little breakfast, captain oveur? over. how would you like your eggs, captain? over. poached and over, captain oveur? over. i don't think we do poached eggs on toast over, captain oveur. over. all right, captain oveur. over. you should really put that case in the compartment above your head, sir. i can help you if you can't get it up. mind if jimmy here takes a look around, captain? yes i did. yes it did. mr. dunn, can i ask you a personal question? um. do you people scream right when you. you know. captain, the coffee machine is jammed and i don't like it. i'll need all your boiling water. sixteen 'c', why? a b. what should i say? would everyone not carrying a bomb please move to the lounge. now i want everyone to move to the front of the cabin. that's fine. stay calm. we just want everyone as far away from the blast as possible. heads between the knees! between your own knees, father! seat backs up. thank you. sir, you really must take your seat.