mr. kurtz, i presume. do you think it's necessary to explain everything? good to be aboard, gentlemen. unger. dunn. atmosphere control. anti-gravity. i hope that weather doesn't give us a problem. what's your temperature reading, mr. unger. we should be ready to launch as soon as this fog lifts. yes, sir, commander. this is mercury one. everything seems a- okay up here and ready for count-down. gentlemen, let's get this bucket into space. ignition set. ignition. jettison booster stages one and two. shut down accelerators. elaine, ask rok for a field interference scan. those sun spots might give us a problem with our communications. yes, mary? a couple eggs and juice would be nice, mary. over. no. poached. over. just poached on toast. over. that's how i want them. poached. over. poached! not over! over! you better check it, unger. you better check on it, mr. dunn. i'll stay here and fly the ship. dunn. you better take this. that's an asteroid field. there shouldn't be anything like that in this sector unless. unless those sunspots are interfering with our scanner or. or we're off course, but. but we couldn't be off course. our coordinates are computer-locked barring. barring a computer failure. there was talk of sub-par wiring in this ship. i hope that's just talk. come on up, jimmy. say, that's some puppy. what's his name? can i hold him? he's a boy dog. do you like it when scraps sleeps on his back, jimmy? i see. what do you think our alternatives are? roger. i'd rather sit down for this one, elaine. roger. you better get back there and monitor the regulatory unit. have you tried it with a little cinnamon? both together?! all right, calm down. here's how we're going to play it. mary, i want you here. testa, you move across here past dawkins' pick and get the ball at the top of the key from irving. pills. pocket. vent. gas. yankees. four. (points to radio that plays mets. nine. phils. three. cubs. four. packers. seven. vikings. three. giants sixty. rams. zip.