here. for the best little computer officer on the mercury mission. who would believe that elaine thompson was once a stewardess on the denver-chicago run. women and the space program have come a long way, sweetheart. but after the wedding, no more complicated computers for my little girl. you're heading up the division in charge of babies for mr. and mrs. simon kurtz. and that's an order, lieutenant. frank's the best pilot in the program. i guess this is a first for you. that's right, striker. and we're getting married when we return. you're still crazy, striker. come on, sweetheart. elaine, he's still sick. you're seeing bugs where they don't exist, striker. you're tired, striker, overworked. that wiring meets all the safety specifications. good, good, no, no, good. what's this?! i said no studded dog collars, jacobs. elaine! ted's a danger to himself, he's a threat to this mission and his behavior does absolutely nothing to promote peace in the middle east. so mentally ill? meet me onboard, sweetheart. i have to pick up a few things at the drugstore. what does this word mean? captain oveur? we don't have much time. let's move. i'll explain everything. that's how dry cleaning works. now i'd like to quickly go over the digestive system of amphibians. i'll meet you on board. there's something i have to take care of first. gentlemen, this is captain oveur. he's taking over for frank morgan. morgan was senselessly murdered about an hour ago. we won't know until after the autopsy. captain oveur, your navigator, mr. unger, and your first officer, mr. dunn. and i think everyone knows elaine. whenever your're ready, captain. have you got it straightened out now? that's my girl. roger. now what? unless? or? but? barring? we're off course, heading right through that asteroid field and right at the. at the sun! he tried to disconnect rok. it gassed him. that computer is running this ship and we're heading right for the sun. we're computer locked and the manual navigation unit is down. my career is shot. striker. that damn computer has taken over. i'm getting out. don't talk to me about elaine. outta my way! father, what should i do? i've lost the ship and now i've lost you, elaine. i'm getting out. maybe. i'm saying, i can't take the singles scene again, elaine.