thanks, but we have a terrific woman in on thursdays. yes. let's go, daddy. we have to check in. he was never appreciated at the institute. now he's d-y-i-n-ging and wants to be buried on mercury. excuse me, are you alright? i noticed you talking to yourself. i'm a nurse. can i be of some help? you don't have to thank me, i'm a nurse. this is my father, dr. barrington. yes. he's dying a-n-d wants to be buried on mercury. you don't have to excuse yourself. i'm a nurse. i understand. yes -- he's dying and wants to be buried in the new l-a-n-d. you've been hurt. no, i mean your head. sit down. i'll take a look at it. i'm a nurse. do you want to talk about it. no. i mean your relationship. love's the same as it always was. it's people who change. not if the people change together in relation to that love. then the relationship remains the same and the love changes only when there's change in the two people who share that love. no. it's hard to l-a-u-g-h when your father's dying. ted, i want you to relax. let your mind go back, back past your youth, past your childhood to your mother's womb. try to remember your birth. was it difficult? ted, are you okay? here, take one of these stress pills. he's finally come to terms with his own psychosis. miss, i'm a nurse with a dying f-a-t-h-e- r, i know what i'm talking about. now i'm going to need fresh sheets, gauze, q-tips, and all the vaseline you have on board! now! i'll need all the boiling water you can get your hands on! yes. the washroom's down there on your right. and not too much! keep an eye on that side of the ship. i'm afraid that leg's going to have to come off. wait. this isn't your chart. you just had a touch of air sickness. you'll be fine. and i'm a nurse. everything will be okay. pass it on. general walker is here, billy. he wants to talk to you. i'm a nurse. i can't afford to be afraid, father.