no, but thank you very much. ted! i just don't want to go over it any more. i have been patient and i've tried to help, but you wouldn't even let me do that. it takes so many things to make love last. most of all it takes respect. and i can't live with a man i don't respect! i won't be back. i've requested the atlanta run. then why don't you take the job that louie netz offered you at boeing? your war record? you're the only one keeping that alive. for everyone else it's ancient history. it's the truth. what's hurt you the most is your record since the war. different cities, different jobs, and not one of them shows you can accept any real responsibility. it's too late, ted. when i get back to chicago, i'm going to start my life all over again. i'm sorry. we'll be taking off real soon so we better fasten you in tight. that's good advice. you relax and i'll be back after we take off. would you like something to read? how about this leaflet: 'famous jewish sports legends?' ted, what are you doing here? you. you shouldn't have come. i don't have time now. excuse me. would you like to order dinner now? i tell you what, joey. i'll talk to the captain and see what i can arrange. would you gentlemen care to order your dinners? oh, ted, i never knew i could be so happy. these past few months have been wonderful. tomorrow why don't we drive up the coast to that little seafood place and. what's the matter? oh, ted, please be careful. i worry about you so much. i love you. we have a visitor. this is captain oveur. mister murdock and mister johnson. this is joey hammen. we'd better get back now. okay, if you don't get in the way. i remember everything. all i have are memories. mostly i remember. the nights when we were together. i remember how you used to hold me. and how i used to sit on your face and wriggle. and then afterwards how we'd watch until the sun came up. when it did, it was almost like. like each new day was created. only for us. but it won't be. not as long as you insist on living in the past! you got a telegram from headquarters today. it's a big building where the generals meet. but that's not important right now. they've cleared you of any blame for what happened on that raid. isn't that good news? seven. lieutenant zipp died this morning. ted, doctor sandler says you'll be out in a week. isn't that wonderful? be patient, ted. no one expects you to get over this immediately. i found a wonderful apartment for us. it's got a brick fireplace and a cute little bedroom with mirrors on the ceiling. and. what's his problem? who wants to be first? how's the weather? that's great. by the way, joey hammen asked me if you would autograph this basketball. also, supperware products are ideal for storing leftovers to help stretch your food dollar. this two quart "seals-m-rite" container with a special "close-m-tite" lid keeps hotdog buns fresh for days and prevents sugared cereals from sticking. meat and dairy products are protected against unwanted refrigerator odors when sealed in this non-slip pastel colored "freez-o-leer". ted, i don't want to stay here. it's time for us to go back home -- to the plans we made before the war. yes? i'll see if i can find some dramamine. captain, one of the women passengers is very sick. i think so, but i've never seen it so acute. i'm sorry i had to wake you. i'm just looking for a doctor. there's nothing to worry about. sir. excuse me, sir. i'm sorry to have to wake you. are you a doctor? we have some passengers who are very sick. could you come and take a look at them? a hospital? what is it? certainly. well, we had a choice. steak or fish. he had fish. doctor rumack, mister hammen ate fish. and randy says there are five more cases, and they ate fish, too. he had fish, too. just how serious is it, doctor? uh, automatic pilot. automatic pilot? is frantically searching for automatic pilot button. there it is! this is elaine dickinson. i'm the stewardess. captain oveur is passed out on the floor, and we've lost the co-pilot and navigator, too. we're in terrible trouble. over. hi, steve! yes. yes, it is. over. i'm standing over oveur. over. three hundred twenty miles per hour. thirty-five thousand feet. no, wait. now it says thirty-four thousand feet. it's dropping! it's dropping fast! why is it doing that? oh, my god! the automatic pilot! it's deflating! okay, but please hurry! we're dropping fast! yes. yes, i can see it. no. well. no. no one that i know of. ted! what are you doing? you can't fly this plane! rain. and a little ice! sluggish. like a wet sponge. it's a damn good thing you don't know how much he hates your guts. doctor rumack says the sick people are getting worse and we're running out of time. what happened, ted? what went wrong? but ted, you're the only. ted. i wanted you to know -- now -- i'm very proud. the gear is down. uh-huh. airspeed one twenty-five, one thirty. one thirty-five, one forty.