dramatic music. engines one and two rev up. engines three and four rev up. two more engines rev up. two more engines rev up. stairs are removed from airplane. the soldier is in the open doorway waving good-bye to his tearful girlfriend at the base of the plane. in level flight. randy & passengers 'we are the father, we are the son, and in the dawn of creation we are one.' thunder and lightning. thunder and lightning. thunder and lightning -- plane is flying erratically. climbing and diving. thunder and lightning -- plane levels off. thunder and lightning. thunder and lightning as plane is diving. lightning and thunder. thunder and lightning. thunder and lightning. thunder and lightning. thunder and lightning. the plane is diving. level flight. flying erratically. thunder and lightning; turbulent weather. nose dowm. thunder and lightning. flying nose down. lightning and thunder. thunder and lightning. thunder and lightning. thunder and lightning. flying erratically. fog, thunder, and lightning. it knocks the radio tower off a building and heads past the john hancock building. landing lights come on.