flight 733 taxis toward gate. a ground crewman with red flashlights is directing plane to his right. a second ground crewman approaches as first ground crewman continues to direct plane to his right. ambulance arrives at airplane. attendants and mrs. davis unload lisa davis into wheelchair. a soldier and girl are tearfully embracing at the base of the stairs leading into the plane. an air israel airplane with beard and pais, wearing a yarmulka and tallis. flight 209 takes off, flying erratically. plane is a few feet from ground. ground crewman with red flashlights nonchalantly directs plane. suddenly he realizes the plane is not stopping. he throws his flashlight at the plane and runs off, terrified. landing gear snaps off; plane starts to slide on its belly. screaming ambulances race toward plane. mccroskey, dressed in wet suit and flippers and oxygen tank is moving as though swimming under water. lisa davis and her mother enter ambulance. it pulls from frame. we hear a loud screech and crash. The plane begins to taxi on its belly, shooting off sparks and making a tremendous scraping SOUND. Arm in arm, Striker and Elaine wave good-bye as the plane takes off into the night sky.