mccroskey all right, elaine. just hold on. we'll be back to you in a minute. mccroskey tell omaha to acknowledge and standby. get every piece of emergency equipment you can reach. alert at every mile of the way from here to the mountains. striker mayday! mayday! kramer at dispatch radio. he picks up mike. mccroskey grab hold of yourself! you've got to talk them down. you're the only chance they've got! mccroskey macias, get me captain oveur's wife on the phone. we'd better let her know what's going on. mccroskey two more minutes! they could be miles off course. mccroskey and kramer are at watercooler. mccroskey is filling cup while kramer drinks. mccroskey he'll never bring it down in this soup. never! not one chance in a million. controllers celebrate safe landing, reporters rush from room.