murdock and oveur look toward left wing. murdock and oveur look toward right wing. murdock and oveur look toward left wing and do a double take. murdock and oveur are confused and counting on their fingers. oveur moves console levers as if shifting into first gear. ground controller flight two-zero-niner, you are cleared for takeoff. ground control flight two-zero-niner, this is denver flight control. you're approaching some rough weather. please climb to forty-two thousand feet. murdock and oveur smile sweetly at each other. elaine enters with dinners. joey enters to retrieve basketball. murdock is wearing goggles. murdock, flying the plane alone, wipes his brow and appears ill. murdock, unconscious, is slumped over controls. oveur and rumack burst into cockpit. oveur gets into pilot's seat. elaine enters. oveur struggles with controls. they extricate murdock from behind the wheel. he is wearing shorts, kneepads, and basketball shoes. the st. christopher statue is holding a motion discomtort bag to its mouth. elaine enters, turns to face rumack. oveur is at controls in f.g. as they finally untangle oveur from the wheel, he gains semi-consciousness. elaine is in the pilot's seat and the inflated automatic pilot is in co-pilot's seat. mccroskey now, elaine, don't panic. on the belt line of the automatie pilot there is a hollow tube. can you see that? rumack enters. striker enters. striker is in pilot's seat. rumack is standing behind him. striker flips switch and rights plane. mccroskey two-zero-niner, are you okay up there? dramatic music as we see striker's ominous look of recognition. striker over hears conversation on radio. two vultures are sitting on back of striker's seat. kramer just remember, the controls will feel very heavy compared to a fighter. elaine hangs up phone. dramatic music as striker is struggling with the controls. windshield wipers are moving as though directing music. st. christopher statue is holding an umbrella. striker regains control of the plane. elaine, randy, rumack, and striker are playing trumpet, clarinet, saxophone and bass fiddle in benny goodman swing band style. striker is looking at controls. lightning is flashing on his face. sudden dramatic music. the cockpit shakes. engine number three is flaming out. striker enters. elaine, unaware of his return, is listening to kramer on the radio. kramer all right, striker, put down twenty degrees of flap. when your flaps are down, retrim for level flight. dr. rumack pokes his head in the door. striker reaches for button above his left knee. striker looks for switches. elaine rings alarm bell. striker sees airport and points it out to elaine. striker and elaine look at each other, panicked. striker and elaine are relieved. striker is struggling with steering wheel and sweating. kramer watch your nose! it's too low! striker pushes wheel forward as tires screech. striker pulls red handle. it comes off in his hand. he pushes brake with feet. dr. rumack pokes his head in the door. elaine screams and covers her face. st. christopher statue covers its face. rumack pokes his head in door. kramer . particularly me, who'd like to buy you a drink and shake your hand. kramer is still droning on.