striker walks to rear of plane and looks out window. he swallows a couple of pills. randy approaches. elaine is taking orders from a couple and their eight year old son. elaine is seated next to striker. a japanese general, dressed in world war ii uniform, is now seated next to striker. shirley is ill and holding her stomach in pain. elaine is speaking to couple. passengers are being tossed about. a woman, applying lipstick, smears it over her face. passengers are listening to p.a. absolute pandemonium. passengers are yelling, screaming, tearing their hair out, climbing about. randy approaches hammens. mr. hammen is sick. passengers are being tossed about. a woman, applying rouge, smears it all over her face. passengers are being tossed about. rumack is examining a female patient. striker, struggling with drinking problem, pours drink between his cheek and ear. passengers are listening to p.a. randy is talking to krishnas. a black dude is holding his stomach in pain. sister angelina is singing to the krishnas. jack is comforting an ailing shirley. she is perspiring. randy approaches mrs. schiff. a woman applying eye makeup, smears it over her face. sister angelina is singing to the two black dudes. outside stewardess' alcove. striker fills a cup from drinking fountain then pours it on his head. he sits down dejectedly on stewardess' fold-out seat. rumack approaches. randy is talking to passengers and demonstrating. a woman, applying facial makeup, smears it all over her face. alarm bell rings. randy is standing in center aisle. randy approaches a passenger in crash position. passengers rise slowly, shaken but uninjured. milton and bernice look at each other, relieved, and embrace. mrs. schiff gets up to leave.