i happened to be passing, and i thought you might like some corfee. thank you. cream? were you vacationing in los angeles? no. i'm from washington, d.c. i'm a lobbyist for the small businessmen's assocation. after my wife died, i felt like a fifth wheel. you know, so many years being with one person -- a very wonderful person -- makes you always think of yourself as part of a pair. when ethel passed away, i was lost. i couldn't function socially and i couldn't function in business. but i think it's time we stopped talking about me. a woman like you -- why haven't you ever married? i know the answer -- career. a smart woman like you became so involved in your work, you didn't have time for marriage. you know, here we are having coffee together, and discussing education and business and economy. and we don't even know each other's names. full names i mean. that's a lovely name. mine's milton. milt ettenhenim. but my friends call me 'bubbles.' i'm sure we'll both make it. but just in case one of us. well, is there a message you'd like me to give someone? just in case i don't have a chance to say goodbye, i want you to know that i haven't spent so many pleasant hours for many years.