fourteen-b. it's halfway down on your right. do you feel all right, sir? may i take your dinner order? excuse me, sir. would you like some coffee before we serve dinner? would either of you like another cup of coffee? excuse me, sister? there's a little girl on board who's ill and. could i borrow your guitar? i thought i might be able to cheer her up. is it all right if i talk to your daughter? hi! i'm randy. i thought maybe you'd like to hear a song. okay, this is one of my favorites. 'i've traveled the banks of the river jordan, to find where it flows to the sea.' 'i looked in the eyes of the cold and the hungry and saw that i was looking at me.' 'and i wanted to know if life had a purpose, and what it all means in the end. in the silence i listened to the voices inside me, and they told me again and again.' 'there is only one river. there is only one sea.' 'and it flows through you, and it flows through me. there is only one people, we are one and the same.' 'we are all one spirit, one name. we are the father, we are the son.' 'in the dawn of creation. we are one.' we have two more sick people, and the rest of the passengers are worried. yes? well, the doctor will be with you in just a moment. one thing: do you know what he had for dinner? oh, it's nothing to be alarmed about. we'll get back to you very quickly. sorry to bother you. we were just looking for someone with flying experience. excuse me, sir. there's been a little problem in the cockpit and i was wondering. it's the little room at the front of the plane where the pilots sit. but that's not important right now. the first officer is ill and the captain would like someone with flying experience to help him with the radio. do you know anything about planes? would you go up, please? calm down. get hold of yourself! can i get something for you? i'm sorry. i don't understand. tell him to relax and i'll be back as quickly as i can with some medicine. would you care for a soft drink? would you care for another drink? doctor rumack, i'm scared. i've never been so scared. and besides, i'm twenty-six and i'm not married. in a moment we'll ask you to assume crash positions. your life jackets are located under your seat. it won't be long now. try not to worry. mr. striker, the passengers are ready. all right, now, everybody get in crash positions. can we help arrange hotel accommodations or a rent-a-car during your stay in chicago? hurry now. please be careful.