watch what you signing, ali. you talkin' to me, or someone walk inna room, fat boy? anything's do to with me i think's to d-d-do with me. i'm st-st-still a christian. i ain't goin' on your payroll. i like it freelance. emphasis on "free." you been s-s-saving it up, training, champ. you can't unleash it on this girl all sudden. you may kill her! maybe you should spread it around more before you tie it down. you know what you j-j-just said? ellis doesn't belong in there. i saw bundini in new york. bad shape. you better get your belt b-b-back. belinda brings coffee to bingham. you call your parents, ali? you p-p-p-promised you'd call them. ali, she's talkin' about "brother" herbert. bundini! a mystery. d-d-d-daylight. you b-b-becoming a christian? forgive and forget? b-b-be easy gettin' a frazier fight now. he ain't the champ of anything except getting knocked down. l-l-l-lingala. lingala. they s-s-s-speak lingala. 'b-b-b-bout hong kong, man?! you know what i heard? muhammad. give her an ali button! bo'dini, you got ali buttons? belinda? you can't beat him. you can't beat him, 'cause you can't not love him.