yes. but i think the government's looking to negotiate a deal. you do six weeks basic. you go into the reserves. you don't go to vietnam. you get to box. you even get to keep the money. they call your name. you say yes. you sure you want to do all this? your next three to four years are every heavyweight's prime. and there are few of those years. yes. we'll be in front of the u.s. court of appeals next month. we'll lose. then we appeal to the supreme court. draw a crowd or not draw a crowd, muhammad, is not going to make a difference with your boxing licenses. they don't want you to fight. aclu's handling your case against the new york boxing commission. they discovered new york's got actual ex-murderers and ex-rapists currently licensed to fight. but revoked yours? no. state department refused permission for the one-hour visa. no fight in tijuana. look. i know people in the restaurant business. want to start up a chain. muhammad ali's "champ burger""muhammad malts," "fist full of fries". all of that. 'cause you need the money. too much. they do that to you, too, you know. where you goin'? struck out at the appellate level in new orleans. so we're heading back to the supreme court. i'm petitioning on a conscientious objection basis. religious belief. we'll petition that your sincere religious belief prohibits you from shooting people. i believe they'll hear that. it's all over. you go to jail for five years.