only after long service and high merit in the spiritual and physical rebirth of afro-american people. is one granted an original name. but you are special. a world champion. so there is a gift i wish to give you. from this day forward you will be known as muhammad ali. which means "one worthy of praise," and ali means "most high." be very careful what you say. your words reflect on the nation of islam, now. up until now, i have entrusted your spiritual development to brother malcolm. i do not feel this is a wise course anymore. malcolm has gone off into the secular world and does not measure his words. i have decided to give you, as your guide, my very own son, herbert muhammad. herbert will supervise all of your spiritual and material needs. get me my son, herbert, on the telephone! mr. muhammad ali desires to do that which the holy qur'an teaches him against. i am, therefore, suspending mr. ali from the practice of islam. he may no longer appear in temple, pray or teach, or have any conversation with any muslim whatsoever. furthermore. he may no longer use the name of muhammad ali. henceforward, he will revert to his old slave name, cassius clay.