what? you can't marry that girl! she was a date! have some fun! she's not your wife! you don't marry this girl. sign there. management papers. my father will kill me. nothing to do with you. lana shabazz. muhammad. she's not. for you. when i met her, she was working at a cocktail lounge with a bunny tail on her backside. sober up and say something to this man, bundini. you supposed to be his "inspiration." sonji roi is not a muslim! if you want, have no contact with her for ninety days. then you make a public statement of divorce in the mosque, and islamic law will be satisfied. the messenger would not object if you joined under these terms. all you have to do is accept the induction. and life goes on. as-saalam alaikum. brother muhammad. the messenger has lifted the suspension, muhammad. congratulations. yes. i begged my father to reinstate you. we can get you frazier. we can get you five million dollars for frazier. when you. it's my father. my brother! now that smokin' joe's run out of tomato cans to beat up, i finally got yank to commit to a rematch with you in about six months. frazier said he'd be happy with three mil. i'll fly to jamaica and get yank to sign right after joe beats this big stiff. enters. ali and herbert go to an alcove.