cannot stand you, cassius. he really wants to kill you. clay, a round ago, looked like he'd about had it, but in round six. sonny liston is not coming out! wait a minute! wait a minute! sonny liston is not coming out! the winner. and the new heavyweight champion of the world is cassius clay! what made him so easy for you? was there any single point you knew you had him? the arena is surrounded by fbi, the stands are only half full, the promoter has taken out a million- dollar insurance policy due to cassius clay's membership in the militant and radical black muslims because of death threats. oh, and by the way. sonny liston is here, too. liston is down! scarcely a minute into the first round, i can't believe it! it's over; it's over! cassius, it is my opinion you. you know, i apologize to you. on the air. your name is muhammad ali. you have the right to be called whatever you want. yes, muhammad. and to think i gave up a lucrative practice for the likes of you. and without me. you'd be a mouth. we'll be right back. have a little coffee with your sugar? they want to make an example out of you. all they are is political. they tell people how they ought to be. but you are the heavyweight champion of the world. you're important. and they don't like your militancy, your politics. so, they'll make an example out of you. yes. or, to demonstrate here is what happens to your ass if you don't. what are your feelings about up- and-coming ken norton? hold on one second. we have a caller. go ahead. let's tell it like it is. with your court and boxing problems, muhammad, can you get a fight promoted? did you say you were broke? how can you be broke? you've made more money than all previous heavyweight champions combined. what about your management? surely they have provided for you. don't bother me. i'm a world- famous broadcaster and you're an ex-champion with diminished skills. i can't be seen you, it would be calamitous to my reputation. muhammad, i'd do anything for you. but i got bosses who only give a damn about nielsen ratings. i thought you were resolute in your resolve to regain your crown. what about frazier? you surprise me, muhammad. do you think you're going to jail? joe frazier told me on this show he would knock you out. muhammad, you t.k.o.'ed 'em. no. "the supreme court ruled today in the case of the united states vs. cassius clay, a.k.a. muhammad ali" you won an 8-0 unanimous decision. you're free. ali was out! he was out on his feet. joe almost had him. frazier must have thought ali was playing possum. 'cause ali's a clown. others have come in on ali when he's playing possum and gotten knocked out. down goes frazier! down goes frazier! some of us. norman, me. are worried. how you gonna dance against george?? he's sparring with a middleweight, training to cut you off. he gets you against the ropes, he can knock you out with either hand. two-and-a-half-to-one. against. we're worried you're going to get hurt. muhammad, i'm sorry. i have to ask. are you really fast enough, anymore? to beat george foreman? many people believe you don't have the same skills, that you are not the same man you used to be ten years ago. hi. mrs. ali.